Remover of goods in bond, transporter, consignor bond and renewals


Both remover of goods in bond and transporter registrations authorises the registered individual or entity to transit goods between customs controlled areas (bonds).


These registrations can be used to:

  • Transport imported goods from a border post to an internal customs-controlled storage area or rebate store.
  • Tranship goods through South Africa (for example goods land in Durban harbour and are exported to Zimbabwe).
  • Transport goods from a bonded warehouse to a border post (for example from an Excise store to an airport or seaport).

A remover of goods user is required to submit a security for the total VAT and duty of the goods, while a transporter makes use of another entity’s security. A consignor bond is a security at SARS that can be used by a registered transporter. Foreign removers in bond require a South African agent with a consignor bond.

Take note: A remover of goods license and a road haulier license expires every year on the 31st of December, and must therefore be renewed.

Delivery: 60 working days* (10 days for renewals)

*Based on standard customs processing times, subject to change



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