What is a tariff (HS) code?
Tariff codes (also called HS codes or commodity codes) are the numerical codes customs authorities across the world use to classify goods for taxation and regulation.
Everything you need to know about clearing your goods for import and/or export will depend on what classification it falls under in the South African tariff book. Almost every country’s tariff book is created based on the international HS system, which contains all the classification types.
To find the tariff codes on a particular product or material you want to import, export, or manufacture, follow the steps below in our tariff code lookup tool.
How to determine the tariff/HS/commodity code for your import or export
Step 1 – Find your chapter
To determine your tariff code, we’ll look at Schedule 1 of the South African Customs and Excise Act.
This Schedule is divided into sections which are subdivided into chapters. Click the button below to consult the Schedule 1 Chapter Index and determine which sections and chapters may be relevant to your goods.