As a business owner, you know that raising queries with revenue services can be a time-consuming exercise. To address this and mitigate the need for entering a physical branch, the South African Revenue Services (SARS) has developed the SOQS, an online system for South African taxpayers to address a range of queries.
What does it offer
There are currently nineteen (19) query types that can be raised on the SOQS site:
- Request your Tax Number
- Submit Supporting Documents
- Submit a Payment Allocation
- Report New Estates Case
- Register a Representative
- Tax Compliance Status Request
- Tax Compliance Status Verification
- Search for a VAT Vendor
- Trust Registration
- SARS Notices (Notice of Assessment, Statement of Account, Notice of Registration and Penalty Statement of Account)
- My Auto Assessment Status
- Tax Return Status Dashboard
- Report SARS Employee Corruption
- Register for FM Diesel Refund
- Report Digital Fraud
- Submit an LBI (Large Business and International) Query
- Request my Customs Code – allows one to retrieve customs codes directly
- Request your RLA Status – allows one to track the progress of RLA application submissions
- Travel Manifest Submission
The above bolded query types are of particular significance to importers and exporters (see the worked examples at the end of the blog).
Where do I access it?
There are 3 options to access your queries online:
Option 1: Visit the SARS website On the “Home Page” click on “SARS Online Query System”. All options will be displayed under “Use our Digital Channels”.
Option 2: on the SARS website, click on “Contact Us” at the top of the screen. All available options within SOQS are displayed under the heading “Send Us a Query”. Click the query topic and follow the prompts displayed on-screen.
Option 3: Click the “Send us a Query” link in the grey list. A list of all query types will be displayed with a link next to each query. Click on the relevant link to process the request.
How to use it
To initiate a query:
- Select a Query Type
- Complete the online form
- Complete the required information fields
- Where necessary, attach supporting documentation
- Submit to SARS
- Complete the CAPTCHA screen
In certain cases, supporting documentation and tax reference details are not required.
In certain cases (e.g., for requesting documents), the use of an OTP may be used for identification before completing the query.
In certain cases (e.g., for tax compliance status – TCS), queries can be completed by the registered taxpayer (select “Myself”), a tax practitioner (select “Someone else in my capacity as their Registered Representative”) or “Other” (for a partnership/joint venture).
To “Request your tax number”, ensure registered contact details are correct, as the SOQS will respond to those. If not, update on eFiling or at a branch.
Example of how to request a customs code and RLA status on SOQS:
Customs Code Example
You will need your company trading name and ID Type (company registration number, passport number, South African ID number).
RLA Status Example
You will need your company trading name, case number, RLA application number, and ID Type (company registration number, passport number, South African ID number).
The SOQS is a time and cost-saving initiative that streamlines individual and business interactions with SARS. As such, it is worth becoming familiar with the content and services it offers.
For more information on the SOQS or assistance with other tax and trade-related matters, contact one of our consultants on 087 550 1038. We would be happy to assist you.